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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jazz.....(note 1)

I found that I like Jazz, why I dont know. Some of Jazz is noisy, and I can't find the rhythm or rhyme. Some is cool, traipzing, having great underlying rhythm. Does music need to have rhyme is probably the same as asking whether life needs a rhyme. The reason I agree to jazz, is that rules are there, but they are flouted. But what rules do you flout and what you dont. You note your mistakes, but it does not consume you, you pick up the thread and live on. And you still make great music. Flouting rules does not make you a bad guy, neither does keeping to rules make you a good person. So I find that Jazz is not judgemental. Jazz can be sentimental and heavy, quirky and light without the burden of making a meaning.

I find travel to be likewise, free form, routines are all new or not there, new people, newer smells sights and food (my heart is in it) never have any expectations of you to conform.

Meanwhile I have gorged myself on some Jazz... Keith Jarret, George Benson, Amy Winehouse (back to black), Gerry Mulligan. Devashis, you are welcome to it.

Why do we expect all our heroes to be perfect at everything why not accept their genious and let them live their lives the way they want to. I would like to say to Amy Winehouse.... sing the way you want to, live the way you want to, even if you had just sung two songs, I am happy that you landed on this earth.